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Sinergia project, Annual meeting, Zurich, 15-17 September 2010

Program for the meeting

  Wednesday, September 15, 2010  
08:45 We meet at the Reception of the Coronado hotel, Hans-Beat takes you to the Meeting room 11-F-06 in the Institute of Organic Chemistry  
9:00 Welcome Kim
9:10 Stacking Disorder of a Tetracyclic Benzene Derivative
- Where are we?
- What could be published?
- Additional work that is necessary or desirable
9:15 Background of the problem Tara
9:30 Results in Bern
- Numerical simulation of analytical model (6 lines of data as in Z. Krist., Lorentz back-corrected, code: gar29)
- extended models (14 lines of data, TW-integration, proper Lorentz correction)
- 4 layers+tilt (code: gas19)
- 4 layers+tilt+U1+U2+U3 (code: gas17)
- simplified 5-layer models (codes: gas16, gas18)
- z-shift model (code: gas23)
- missing: Numerical simulation of analytical model (no tilt) with 14 data lines
- Iobs vs Icalc: remaining systematic differences
- Structural results (statistics of stacking sequences
- cloning
- importance of cloning (avoid fitness bias)
- creation of a (nearly) noise-free reference data (model based on gas18)
- refinement of model gas18 vs. reference data
- comparison with refinements by Vickie


10:00 Discussion  
10:30 Coffee Break  
11:00 Progress on Using Supercomputers for Studying Stacking Disorder of a Tetracyclic Benzene Derivative
- testing global optimization models (differential evolution, genetic algorithm, swarm calculation, based on model gas18)
- refinement of model gas18 vs. reference data
- comparison with refinements by Jürg
11:30 Discussion  
12:00 Work plan for additional calculations ( if any)  
12:30 Lunch  
13:30 Drafting a frame work for a publication (paragraph headings and 1-2 sentences) All
14:30 Data processing after reciprocal space reconstruction, but before data analysis Thomas
15:00 Advances at Topaz Christina
16:00 Coffee Break  
16:30 Status of single crystal reduction software at SNS Pete
17:00 Expanding on the frame work for a publication Pete, Jürg, Tara, Vickie, Thomas, Hans-Beat
  Thursday, Sept 16, 2010  
09:00 Progress report on software development
- summary of report presented at previous meeting
- what has been done since
Structure of the Program
Crystallographic and computational aspects
10:00 Discussion All
10:30 Coffee break  
11:00 Progress report on software development, a list of questions by Michal:
General questions:
- What type of computer should I use for further software development?
- How should scalability of the code be tested/proved?
- What could be done to make the program development more Synergistic?
- The program should work on: single computer and supercomputer.
Should it also work on a network of different computers?
(i.e. is this option important for us). More detailed technical questions:
- Is it important (and why) to have hybrid MPI + OpenMP?
Does it make sense to start with MPI only?
- Can OpenMP be replaced by something else (e.g. boost::threads), advantages / disadvantages of OpenMP?
- Is there (in practice) an alternative for MPI on distributed memory systems?
- How can fault tolerance be introduced?
- File system on supercomputer. How can/should data (e.g. measured intensities) be accessed by processes on/from various nodes?
- Does anybody know a parallel optimization library which could be useful for our software?
- Data Formats (for experimental data)
- Documenting the software
12:30 Lunch  
13:30 Progress report on software development - what next, when and why? (work plan for the next 6 months)
- naming the software
14:30 Tagging Least-Squares to Differential Evolution
15:00 Current and emerging scientific computing architectures and their utility to experimental science/crystallography
16:00 Coffee break  
16:30 Proposal submission
- NaLnF4 (submitted Sept. 25)
- future proposals (Pigment red 170, - Mn3[Mn(CN)6](D2O)6.xD2O, others?)
  Friday, Sept 17, 2010  
09:00 Quadrature, Monte-Carlo and Diffuse Scattering Robert
10:00 Discussion
- consequences for software development?
10:30 Coffee Break  
11:00 Computational Chemistry at ORNL Robert
12:00 Tara’s research proposal (to be submitted to UT by Christmas) ??? Tara’s work plan for the next six months Tara
12:30 Lunch  
13:30 Business meeting
- Michal’s visit to SNS, dates, scope and finances
- Tara’s visit to Zürich, dates, scope and finances
- NaLnF4 experiment finances
- money transfer to the University of Tennessee
- continuation of project and matching funds
- next meeting in Knoxville
16:30 Reserve time,
If not needed: group discussion on Tara’s current research with Tara,
Vickie, Robert, Hans-Beat, others.
19:00 Final Dinner  

Links: OCI | SNF



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Kim Baldridge

Institute of Organic Chemistry, University of Zürich

Hans-Beat Bürgi

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Bern and Institut of Organic Chemistry, University of Zürich

Michal Chodkiewicz

Institute of Organic Chemistry, University of Zürich

John Cobb

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Partha Pratim Das

Institute of Organic Chemistry, University of Zürich

Robert Harrison

University of Tennesee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Jürg Hauser

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Bern

Christina Hoffmann

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Tony Linden

Institute of Organic Chemistry, University of Zürich

Peter Peterson

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Vickie Lynch

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Tara Michels-Clark

University of Tennessee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Arkadiy Simonov

Laboratorium für Kristallographie, ETHZ

Rangana Warshamanage

Institute of Organic Chemistry, University of Zürich

Thomas Weber

Laboratorium für Kristallographie, ETHZ