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Department of Chemistry

Studying Chemistry

Why study Chemistry at UZH?

University of Zurich, Science Campus Irchel

Chemistry has a long tradition at the University of Zurich. Already in 1833 the first professorship for chemistry was established and a curriculum of chemistry was introduced.

Today there are 9 female and 14 male full professors teaching at the Department of Chemistry. They are supported by several assistant professors and teaching assistants. Together they guarantee an optimal education in excellently equipped labs.

In 2015 the Major / Minor System was introduced. This means that a major in Chemistry can easily be combined with a minor in another Science subject or with any other subject offered at UZH.

The first two years of the basic studies of Chemistry and Biochemistry are identical. After the first two years students have to choose between Chemistry and Biochemistry as their main subject.

Chemistry and Business Studies

The University of Zurich is the only University in Switzerland offering a Curriculum in Chemistry and Business Studies.

Chemistry and Business studies crosses the boundaries of chemistry and economics. This integrated study curriculum offers a vocational combination of natural sciences and economics.

Weiterführende Informationen

Regulations and Information Sheets

Academic regulations for Bachelor and Masters Courses and PhD studies at the MNF
Recognition of previous academic qualifications
Information sheet on university studies and military service.

Study Guide (Wegleitung, in German)

The Study Guide contains all the important information about the study program incl. timetables.

Interested to look behind the walls of the University and follow a real lecture? The buddysystem enables interested pupils already before the  application for the University to attend lectures and to meet students.
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