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Department of Chemistry Sigel Lab

Lennart Lindner

Lennart Lindner

+41 44 63 54679
Room number

Research project

Ribozymes are RNA molecules that can catalyse chemical reactions. To achieve their activity, ribozymes must fold into a specific and complex 3-dimensional structure. RNA binding proteins, such as Mss116, facilitate this folding process. However, the exact mechanism by which Mss116 promotes the formation of the active conformation is unclear. In my project, I'm excited to combine two single-molecule techniques to identify this mechanism.

Behind the Lab Coat: My Inspirations and Passions

The year you joined the Sigel Lab: 2024
Favorite molecule: Oxytocin
Scientist hero: Richard Feynman
Favorite restaurant, coffee shop, or place in Zurich: Schanzengraben in summer, any Cafe in winter
If I could visit anywhere, I would go to: Seychelles
Class or teacher that changed my life/inspired me: My highschool physics teacher
Outside of the lab, I enjoy: Playing Piano, Reading and Gym


2024 – Present
Doctorate in Chemical and Molecular Sciences
Supervisor: Prof. Roland K. O. Sigel, Susann Zelger-Paulus 
2021 – 2024
Master of Science in Physics
Thesis : "Investigating the Effect of Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation on the Modification Efficiency of PARP10 for Different Substrates"
RWHT Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
2018 – 2021
Bachelor of Science in Physics
Thesis: "Confocal fluorescence detection analysis tools for high affinity bimolecular bindings"
RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
2016 – 2018
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany

Additional Professional Experience

May 2018 – April 2020 Research assistant, Institute of Automotive Engineering,
RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
June – July 2016 Internship, Gebr. Steimel GmbH & Co., Hennef Germany

Awards and Memberships of Professional Societies

2016 – Present German Physical Society (DPG)
  DPG-Abiturpreis Physik 2016


Physics of Life 2023, Harrogate, England (Attended)
Young Scientists get-together at the Faculty of Medicine 2023, Aachen, Germany (Attended)
SCS Fall Meeting 2024, Fribourg, Switzerland (Attended)


B. Schedler, O. Yukhnovets, L. Lindner, A. Meyer, J. Fitter, November 2023, Thermodynamic fingerprints of an ultra-tight nanobody-antigen binding probed by two-colour single-molecule coincidence detection, International Journal of Molecular Sciences