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Department of Chemistry Sigel Lab

Carla Ferreira Rodrigues

Carla Ferreira Rodrigues

+41 44 63 54640
Room number

Research project


G-quadruplexes are highly dynamic small RNA structures, that can be regulators of protein expression, among other functions. We are interested in identifying characteristic structural features using NMR, and using the knowledge gained in conjunction with biochemical assays, we aim to understand its intrinsic dynamic properties.

Behind the Lab Coat: My Inspirations and Passions

Year you joined the Sigel Lab: 2021
Scientist heroes: Marie Curie or Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin
Outside of lab, I enjoy dancing, knitting & crocheting, and relaxing with a nice, warm cup of tea and a good book.


Since 06/2021

PhD in the group of Prof. Roland K. O. Sigel
Department of Chemistry, University of Zürich

09/2019 – 03/2021

ETH Zürich, Master’s in Interdisciplinary Sciences
Specialization: Biology and Chemistry

Master thesis: “NMR Structure Determination of the Oncogenic Protein
K-Ras 4B in Near-Physiological Conditions

Supervisor: Dr. Harindranath Kadavath and Prof. Roland Riek
Laboratory for Physical Chemistry
Department of Chemistry and Applied Bioscience, ETH Zürich

Semester Project: “NMR Characterization of G-Protein Coupled Receptor Phosphorylation
Supervisor: Dr. Alvar Gossert
Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy Platform (BNSP)
Department of Biology, ETH Zürich

09/2014 – 09/2019

ETH Zürich, Bachelor’s in Interdisciplinary Sciences
Specialization: Analytical Chemistry and Biochemistry

Bachelor thesis: “Development of an Introduction System for Non-Volatile Compounds for Active Capillary Plasma Ionization Mass Spectrometry
Supervisor: Prof. Renato Zenobi
Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
Department of Chemistry and Applied Bioscience, ETH Zürich