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Department of Chemistry Sigel Lab

Matteo Lisibach

Matteo Lisibach

+41 44 63 54648
Room number

Research project


I am currently investigating the dynamics of a large ribozyme along multiple pairwise-labelling positions. I am also involved in several other projects related to the beauty of single-molecule science, such as the effect of a small molecule inhibitor on ribozyme folding, or diving deep into the world of theta-ribozymes.

Behind the Lab Coat: My Inspirations and Passions

Year you joined the Sigel Lab: 2024
Favorite molecule: The Diels-Alderase ribozyme, just because it is amazing how broad the reaction space of ribozymes is.
Scientist hero: Harald Lesch
Favorite restaurant in Zurich? The best pizza in town you can find at Con Gusto near Schaffhauserplatz.
If I could visit anywhere, I would go to Iceland.
Class or teacher that changed inspired me: Daniele Fuog, an amazing and inspiring teacher and biologist.
Outside of the lab, I enjoy making a lot of music by playing the cello, cooking, reading a thrilling book and doing a loooot of cardio.