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Department of Chemistry Meredith Schuman

Prof. Dr. Meredith Christine Schuman

Merry Schuman studied at the University of Wisconsin, Madison and received her B.Sc. in molecular biology and philosophy. She was then awarded a Fulbright scholarship to conduct research at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology (MPICE) in Jena, Germany, where she continued to earn her doctorate from the Friedrich Schiller University, Jena in 2012, as part of the International Max Planck Research School. She then became a group leader and then the ecology platform leader in the Department of Molecular Ecology at the MPICE, where she initiated her own research program. From 2014 to 2017, she was also affiliated as a Junior Group Leader with the German Center for Integrated Biodiversity Research (iDiv). In 2018, she moved to the UZH, first as a guest professor and now as an assistant professor. She has received several awards and scholarships including the Max Planck Society Otto Hahn Medal awarded in recognition of outstanding scientific achievement, is a leader in several transdisciplinary projects such as the Horizon 2020-funded consortium UPSCALE aimed at applying chemical ecology to improve livelihoods for subsistence farmers, and established strong outreach activities. The research program of Professor Schuman is rooted in molecular ecology. Her group currently investigates spatial and temporal variation in chemical and functional diversity in ecological communities and its consequences at a landscape scale.

Prof. Dr. Meredith C. Schuman is an assistant professor with dual affiliations to the Department of Geography and the Department of Chemistry at UZH.

For a complete, curated publication list, see Google Scholar. For more information on the Spatial Genetics group led by Professor Schuman, see the group's website.