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Department of Chemistry Stefan Bienz

Prof. Dr. Stefan Bienz

Stefan Bienz was born 17. 1. 1958 in Lucerne, Switzerland, where he grew up and completed high school in 1977. He immediately started his studies at University of Zurich, which he completed in 1983 with a Diploma Thesis in Synthetic Organic Chemistry.

He received his PhD from University of Zurich in 1987 as a coworker of Manfred Hesse with investigations on the synthesis of natural products through ring enlargement reactions. After two years of postdoctoral research on stereospecific transformations in the laboratories of Albert I. Meyers at Colorado State University (USA), he returned to University of Zurich in 1990 for pursuing his independent research. In 1995, Stefan Bienz received the Venia legendi for Organic Chemistry at University of Zurich and in 2002 he got promoted to Titularprofessor.

Weiterführende Informationen

Prof em. Dr. Stefan Bienz

University of Zurich
Department of Chemistry
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zurich

E-Mail: Stefan Bienz
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