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Department of Chemistry About us

PostDoc Association



We are the PostDoC Association of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Zurich, CH.
We organize

  • •   Monthly Meet-Ups ("Stammtisch")
  • •   Welcome Events for new PostDocs 
  • •   Career Events

Check out our upcoming events below.


25.02.2025       Monthly Meet-Up (Stammtisch) 17:30 in Irchel Bar

18.03.2025       Monthly Meet-Up (Stammtisch) 17:30 in Irchel Bar

22.04.2025       Monthly Meet-Up (Stammtisch) 17:30 in Irchel Bar

Weiterführende Informationen


If you have any questions or remarks, do not hesitate to contact:

Dr. Niko Lindlar
Dr. Philipp Heckmeier
Dr. Enrico Lepre