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Department of Chemistry

High-Throughput Experimentation Laboratory

Welcome to the High-Throughput Experimentation Lab of the Department of Chemistry at UZH

Would you want to rapidly synthesise a broad catalyst library? Would you like to perform a simultaneous multi-parameter reaction optimisation? Or are you interested in acquisition of high-quality experimental data for a machine learning project? Then stay tuned, as UZH's new HTEL is planned to be operational by the end of the year.

Also later this year, the first module of our department’s new minor study programme “Lab Automation and Chemical Data Science” will be offered – find more details here.

The HTEL will host a state of the art robotic platform that is designed to accelerate and facilitate chemical research in many different ways. Capabilities will involve automated solid and liquid dispensing: parallel reactions under inert atmosphere, photochemical reactions using different wavelengths, reactions using reactive gases under pressure, and parallelised workflows for dilution, filtration, extraction, evaporation. For that, we have partnered with Chemspeed Technologies AG who will provide us with a Swing XL System in an mBraun glovebox. The system will be delivered in by late autumn this year.

Rapid analysis will be implemented as UHPLC/MS, which is employing a Thermo Fisher Vanquish Duo coupled to an ISQ-EM mass spectrometer (H-ESI and APCI) for high-throughput analysis. The system is already in the lab and in active testing.

Moreover, the UZH HTEL will also support workflow in biochemistry, medicinal chemistry, etc. which are incompatible with the main robotic platform for the chemical workflows. The automated liquid handling capabilities will be provided by Opentrons: While we already have a simple pipetting platform, Opentrons OT2, in active testing, the main liquid handling will be performed on an Opentrons Flex, which can handle higher throughputs and more complex workflows by encompassing a 96-channel pipette, on-deck labware transport and active on-deck modules, e.g. for heating or shaking. The new systems will arrive in autumn.

Are you interested in trying out automated pipetting using the OT2? Or do you want to run a rapid UHPLC/MS analysis of samples in a 96-WP? Or are you simply curious about the HTEL project or the new minor programme?

Then, please contact:

Dr. Johannes Schörgenhumer
Senior Scientist - HTE Lab
Room: Y38-K-14
Phone: +41 44 63 54694

Weiterführende Informationen

Contact and further Information


Dr. Johannes Schörgenhumer
Senior Scientist - HTE Lab
Room: Y 38 K 14
Phone: +41 44 635 46 94
E-Mail: Johannes Schörgenhumer