I give a number of lecture courses at the Irchel campus:
Advanced Spectroscopy (CHE 442)
A comprises a general NMR overview featuring all basics of NMR such as
shift, couplings, relaxation and product operator formalism. The course
is intended to give a in-depth introduction into the basics of NMR.
The course covers part of the content of our NMR textbook
Oliver Zerbe, Simon Jurt: Applied NMR Spectroscopy for Chemists and Life Scientists, 1st Edition, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2013.

You are encourage to purchase the book...
Towards the end o the course I will also introduce assignment strategies for important classes of natural products such as steroids, peptide, nucleic acids etc.
You will find the slides from this year here:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Medicinal Chemistry (CHE 728)
4hour/week introduction into medicinal chemistry. The course is
intended for chemists and biochemists to provide basic knowledge of
medicinal chemistry that is not covered otherwise in the curriculum.
Topics include pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamics, drug design,
structural biology of drug receptors, antibacterial, antiviral and
anticancer and anti-inflammatory drugs. In addtion Dr. Daniel Obrecht teaches combinatorial
chemsitry and other synthetic aspects.
You will find the material for the course on this web page
Protein Biophysics (BCH 304)
4 hour/week course on all aspects of protein biophysics. The course
includes a general introduction into protein structure and biophysics as
well as into the usage of molecular dyanmics simulations and other
computational methods taught by Amedeo Caflisch, protein structure and
X-ray techniques by Peer MIttl, protein NMR for determining protein
structure and dynamics as well as for folding studies by myself, single-molecule techniques taught by Ben Schuler and
protein thermodynamics from Illian Jelezarov.
the slides for the structure/dynamics/folding (NMR) section is here!
Biochemical and Biophysical Methods (BCH306)
block course to provide hands-on training in biophysical methods such
as X-ray, statistical data handling, CD and fluorescence spectroscopy,
NMR etc. In my part I teach NMR. During the practical part of the course the backbone of a repeat protein is assigned based on
3D NMR data.
here are the slides for the NMR part
Hands-on training for the usage of spectrometers
From time-to-time (usually once a
year) together with Simon Jurt and Nadja Bross we teach a practical
training course for measuring NMR spectra. Here are the notes for the
practical NMR course (may 2009) as pdf files in color or as a printer-friendly version.
Have fun!